
Hi, my name is Claudio Giacaman and I’m the president of Mega Travel USA, Inc. Traveling the world is something I want everyone to experience. For me, nothing beats the excitement of seeing magnificent places with my own eyes. I’ve picked up a few interests while going around the globe; the list is composed of cycling, nature photography, and basic woodworking.

My favorite places to visit in the U.S. are Phoenix, Arizona; Juneau, Alaska; Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles, California, and Florida Keys. These places have never disappointed me. With every visit, there is always something new for me to find and love about these cities. Nature photography is an interest I picked up when I first visited Juneau, Alaska, as I saw the abundance of the wildlife there. Cycling around the places I visit has become my way of being involved in their culture.

As much as I love traveling around the U.S., Europe proves to be wonderful every time I go there. Modena and Nice are the European cities I love to visit the most.  Each city’s rich history and magnificent architectural structures are great reasons to visit. My job has given me many opportunities to see the world. Now it’s my time to give back by writing about the places I’ve been to and those that I’m about to see.

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