
Hi, there!  I’m Claudio Giacaman, the president of Mega Travel USA, Inc. Over the years, traveling has become not just my way of exploring new sights, but also of sharing the beauty of the world to others through the services Mega Travel USA, Inc. has to offer. I’ve traveled the world, yet I find find American cities as my all-time favorite places to visit, such as Portland, Oregon; Los Angeles, California; Juneau, Alaska; and Phoenix, Arizona. 

Having been to Florida Keys many times has encouraged me to get into fishing. My other interests include cycling, basic woodworking, and nature photography. All of my hobbies and interests have been inspired by the places I’ve been to. Going around cities riding a bicycle gives me a better view of a city’s culture and people. Nature photography has helped me value the importance of the wildlife in the planet, and the impact it has in tourism. I hope to inspire other tourists to become responsible in taking care of nature. 

Europe is a continent I would always fly back to. I especially love visiting Modena, Italy and Nice, France. These cities boast of many raising many great legends, on top of having rich histories that are immortalized by the incredible landmarks.

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